Cats swallow lots of fur when they groom themselves every day. If this hair remains in the stomach for a long time, it can form harmful hairballs. Cat grass is a natural way to aid digestion and prevent swallowed fur from turning into hairballs in the digestive tract.
It is highly recommended to provide cat grass to house cats that never go outside.
This ceramic bowl comes with a 50g packet of seeds so you can start offering cat grass to your kitty very soon. This decorative bowl can also be used for food or water.
Key Features:
- Ceramic bowl for cat grass.
- Grow-your-own barley seed.
- Bowl Dimensions : 15 × 4 cm
- Elegant ceramic bowl & cat grass seeds to grow your own at home
- Helps digestion: provides cats with grass, which they require to stay healthy
- Reusable bowl: cat grass can always be replanted
- Lovely design: decorated with cat pattern
- Cat grass is a supplement